

Optimization-based Design for an Off-Grid E-Methanol Plant with Wind Energy Supply

Andrés Lagos

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

October 2023

Operación de Embalses Multipropósito en Sistemas Hídricos y Eléctricos

Antonia Durán

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

August 2023


Optimal Operation Scheduling of a PV-BESS-Electrolyzer System for Hydrogen Production and Frequency Regulation

Martín Maluenda

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

November 2022

Market Design for Renewable Generation Uncertainty Assessment and Resource Adequacy

Samuel Bascuñán

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

November 2022

Optimization-based expansion planning for flexible power and hydrogen systems with feedback from a detailed unit commitment model

Lucas Maulén

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

October 2022

Impacts of different hydrogen demand levels and climate policy scenarios on the Chilean integrated hydrogen-electricity network

Javier Jorquera

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

June 2022

Medium-term stochastic hydrothermal scheduling with short-term operational effects for large-scale power and water networks

Andrés Navarro

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

May 2022

Modelos de optimización para la planificación de limpiezas en parques solares fotovoltaicos

Milena González

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

May 2022

Short and long term impacts of demand response in electricity markets

Octavio Herrera

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

January 2022


Flexibilidad como producto: Control escalable de cargas eléctricas flexibles

Aldo Saavedra

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

November 2021

Multistage adaptive robust optimization for the management of hydroelectric resources

Marcel Favereau

Informs Annual Meeting 2021

September 2021

Long-term joint capacity expansion planning for highly renewable power and hydrogen networks

Javier Jorquera

Informs Annual Meeting 2021

September 2021

Data-Driven Optimization for Transmission And Storage Capacity Expansion Under Seismic Risk

Alfredo Oneto

Informs Annual Meeting 2021

September 2021

Optimization-based analysis of decarbonization pathways and flexibility requirements in highly renewable power systems

Álvaro Lorca

Informs Annual Meeting 2021

September 2021

Data-Driven Optimization for Seismic-Resilient Power Network Planning

Alfredo Oneto

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

July 2021

Reinforcement Learning with Neural Network-based Value Function Approximation to Manage Flexible Electric Loads and Distributed Energy Resources

Felipe Haase

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

June 2021

Desafíos actuales en problemas de planificación energética

Álvaro Lorca

Ciclo Charlas V-solar

May 2021


Metodología para el desarrollo de proyectos de microredes conectadas a la red de distribución en municipalidades de Chile

Constanza Levicán

MSc. Thesis Defense Presentation

December 2020

Optimización y Modelación Estocástica en Problemas de Planificación Energética

Álvaro Lorca

Congreso CEIINS

November 2020

Robust Streamflow Forecasting: A Student's-t Mixture Vector Autoregressive Model

Marcel Favereau

INFORMS Annual Meeting

November 2020

Analysis of Decarbonization Pathways and Flexibility Requirements in the Chilean Electric Power Systems

Álvaro Lorca

INFORMS Annual Meeting

October 2020